Misinformation & Disinformation

Misinformation & Disinformation: What are they?

By Chan Hwang August 23rd 2022

Table of Content

What is misinformation?

Misinformation is an information that is mislead and spread regardless of
any intent of deceiving others. The mislead information can come from news,
social media, rumors, etc. These small minor mislead information may spread
like wildfire due to the affect of social media. Although they are false lead
information, it does not have to be intentionally spread for it to be considered
a false information. You may have once seen an online post about something and reposted
it until you realized that the post you saw had false information. These kind of small
mistakes may lead to bigger misinformation.

What is disinformation?

Disinformation is different from misinformation. While misinformation is still a falsely
lead information, inteionally or not, everything that comes from disinformation is purposely
mislead information spread in order to deceive people for some sort of reason. This may lead to
major problems around the world due to social media now being biggest reliable factor of information
we have around our lives. Disinformation most often appears in fake news due to news being something
that everyone around the world watches.

What is the difference between misinformation and disinformation?

The difference between misinformation and disinformation is crucial. While
both misinformation and disinformation is falsely spread information, there is
one key thing that makes them different. Misinformation is false information spread
regardless of any intent on deceiving others while disinformation is completely
false information with its whole purpose serving to deceive people in one way or
another to ahieve something.

How and who is spreading misinformation and disinformation?

So how are misinformation and disinformation spread? Usually, people use other
people's interest in things and manipulate certain parts of the topic to make it
believable for the people who read those topics. Usually, most often, fake news and
social media is what spreads all the falsely led information. The reason being
news and social media are the biggest part of people's lives where they obtain
all sorts of information from. So people use that to their advantage to start a
rumor or any falsely led information.

How are these a problem for social media users?

Due to social media being the biggest source where people obtain their information
people who are attached to the social media platforms are more than likely to read
a lot of falsely led informations. Also, social media platforms are the easiest way
to spread misinformation since mostly everyone in 2022 uses online social media platforms
to see whats trending and going around in the world.

How is AI involved in the spread of social media?

AIs can spread misled inforamtions to users on social media. Things such as ads
are what AIs control. We all see ads on social media platforms we use. The ads that pop
up are based off of what we are interested in. Therefore the AIs search for ads about
what we might be interested in. Because then there is a higher chance of the ad being
clicked on or download or whatever the ad is about. And such ads may be false informations.

How is video and audio part of the problem?

Videos are probably the more bigger factor of this problem than audio is. Videos
on social media or wherever it is displayed may show falsely leading information to the
viewers who watch it. As well as audio, which provides sound for us to process the information
which the information may end up being a misleading information that we end up believing. An
example of this may be podcast.

How is fake news related to misinformation and disinformation and
why do people fall for it?

News, just like social media, is a huge part of our daily life where people watch
on a daily basis. News is supposed to be the most trusted source of what's going on
the outside world but people manipulate that trust to make fake news which leads to
misleading information. People fall for these kind of things because they trust it
or it sounds too good but doesn't realize it's actually not true.
